My name is Mitch and I am the founder of BoomBoom Beard Co. I have been a bearded professional for over a decade and like most of my bearded friends I was tired of going online and being disappointed by the overpriced under-performing beard products. Albert Einstein must have felt the same way when buying his mustache products as he is widely credited in saying "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results". My process looked a little like this... Go on Amazon... Click the PRIME button... Find a logo I like... Buy... And be disappointed. 

ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH! I've always been an innovator and I believed that I could create a better performing beard product at a lower cost. After months of R&D and a whole lot of trial and error we created a BUTTER that blew peoples' minds... but even then there was no plan of building a brand, the product was great but we lacked PURPOSE. 

We didn't know it at the time but unfortunate events in April of 2019 would lead us to our PURPOSE. At 6 a.m. on April 1st I woke to discover that my best bud Boomer (the dog) had gone completely blind overnight. Later that morning Dr. Wilson at the local animal hospital would inform us that Boomer had an autoimmune disorder. At that moment the doctor couldn't locate a single platelet in his blood and Boomer was bleeding internally, he was fading fast and needed an emergency blood transfusion and even then we were faced with a 50/50 chance.

We were told the "Gold Standard" for Boomer would be a platelet rich blood transfusion costing upwards of $5,000 and still without guarantee that Boomer would make it out alive. We didn't have $5,000 of extra funds laying around...who does? Option #2 was a real roll of the dice, there was a beautiful golden retriever in the office named Kato that could do the transfusion but we lacked the knowledge of whether or not he was even a match. Option #3 was to take BoomBoom home without treatment, leading to certain death likely within hours. We rolled the dice on option #2 hoping that Kato had miracle blood. We did the transfusion right then and there and we waited on pins and needles for hours. Boomer made it through the transfusion but there was a still a lot of uncertainty as to how he would respond overnight, he had to be transferred to the emergency vet for an overnight stay, needless to say... we didn't sleep a wink! I was waiting impatiently outside of the emergency vet at 6 a.m. the next morning when they unlocked the doors, It had been the worst 24 hours of my life and my stomach was in knots. "YOU MUST BE BOOMER'S DADDY..." I was greeted with a smile and that alone gave me relief. "We know it was a scary night but he made it through and we think his vision has started to come back!" (PHEW!!!) 

Today BoomBoom is back to his old ornery ways... his snoring, his barking and gas that will clear the couch... but we would have it no other way. The vet bill and overnight stay cost us about $2,000 all together. I know that we are more fortunate than many just to even have the ability to roll those dice and not skip a meal. Later we realized that we had found OUR PURPOSE, to create a product that people love that we can use as a resource to help those that don't have the financial ability to roll those dice. It wont happen overnight and we cannot do it alone but as the BoomBoom Beard Co. brand builds we hope to help as many families as we can as they face similar difficult times with their canine companions. The ability to assist in providing HOPE is what is most important to us... and we will make some DAMN GOOD BEARD BUTTER along the way!

At BoomBoom Beard Co. we believe in the sacred bond formed between man and their canine companions, we gain inspiration from the unconditional love and compassion they provide us. Through the sale of our uniquely formulated high quality beard products, we aim to provide financial assistance for pet owners that cannot afford adequate treatment or care for their furry family members.

Thank you for helping us make a difference! 


Special THANKS to Dr. Wilson, KATO and the amazing staff at the CABARRUS ANIMAL HOSPITAL for the nurturing care provided to our man BoomBoom, we are forever grateful for your compassion!